Labels: fangurling, me
I really hate the person who stole MY POSTER!!!!
Just this Wednesday, I posted a Super Junior poster to promote their 4th Album release here in the Philippines. I volunteered on doing so.
Here are the pics:
As I went to school on the next day, the poster's GONE!!!
Labels: blahblah, fangurling, me, school
It's Ryeowook oppa's birthday today. And I'm glad that I was able to greet him through Twitter. Shindong oppa also posted a video. I really had fun watching them.
Now, in reference to the title, I saw a picture of Super Junior with f(x) celebrating the Wookie's birthday... As I was looking at the picture, I got jealous on how close they are. I envy f(x). huhuhu. But my friend told me, it's just SM family LOVE. Well then...
Oh wait. I observe lately, Luna and Ryeowook is into the spotlight. They were spotted doing close gestures to each other. Hmmmm. Do I smell LuWook loveteam here? kekeke. And on Wookie's tweet, he gave a big thanks to Luna for taking care of him.. *giggles*.. I don't know if I should feel *kilig* or annoyed. hahaha. All about JEALOUSY. Just normal for all of the fangurls like me. ^^
Jah... Annyeong!
Labels: blahblah, fangurling
Which is more important? Skills or the looks? Why do others pay attention to those who are good-looking yet has no talent/skills at all? It just bugs me out that the ones who are talented are being left out because they don't have the looks.
Its just so hard to accept why physical things matter so much than what's inside. I'm not blabbering about this because I'm not good-looking but I just thought that life is just so unfair. Everything is all about the OUTSIDE.
Is fairness hard to give? Why do the not-so-talented-but-so-good-looking guys gain more fans than the so-talented-but-not-so-good-looking people? Why does the not-so-talented-but-so-good-looking guys receive more applause even though they dance or sing like hell? And just a simple 5-claps for the so-talented-but-not-so-good-looking people?
I hope people would be wise enough and think of what's the real thing and not just of what is good-for-one thing.^^
Wuhoo! Back to school time again. Yeosh! My emotions are mixed. I'm excited yet nervous. Going to take up Data Structures again. waah! We are now loaded with major subject, well, what do you expect... WE ARE NOW IN 3RD YEAR! bwahaha.
Anyways, my SUPERMAN music was replaced by BONAMANA. nyahaha. Love the song. Love Super Junior! But I still love NEWS neh. XD
Well... I'm running out of stories. I mean. I just can't tell everything here. Too embarrassing (for my friend). hehehehehe
Jah! ^^
Labels: blahblah, fangurling, me, school