Exercise 1...
I wanna share it to all of you..
This exercise is very simple..
1. Create a webpage.
2. Make a table with 3 cells. Each cell contains different images.
3. 1st image: onClick function
2nd image: onMouseOver function
3rd image: onMouseOut function
4. Links have no underline.
Code starts here:
Any question, just leave a comment.
Do you believe in love charms? The thing you wear and then it will let "love" get into you or something like that? Well, I have this bracelet, actually its my moms but she never wears it anymore so I took it. Regardless if it a charm bracelet, i wear it everyday. I think its kinda funny and immature but it bugs me out.
The first day I wore that bracelet, it was the first day of class too. It was a boring day when suddenly my friend texted me and said that he is with my crush at the mall. So I was like, "really? were going there too!" And there, I get to see my crush! It was like woah! Come to think of it, he already graduated, so I will only get to see him once in a blue moon! lolz!
The next day, I still wore the braclet and able to see my other crush at the engineering building. Duh!
On Friday, I was not able to wear it. I got lazy picking it up on the floor. There I didn't see any of my crush! Even a glimpse, and a text from any of them!
Then just today, I wore it. Well, well J texted me this morning! Wee!
For me, I don't really believe in those stuff. But I enjoy thinking about it. lolz. How about you? ^_^
Waah! Boredom is killing me! Classes was supposed to start last monday, June 8 but then there was a sudden change of schedule because of this A(H1N1) thing. But honestly, this thing freaks me out. I had flu but it was because of the bad weather. It caught me off-guard. But anyways, I am feeling fine right now. Back to the reality.
Reality, that is to face another week of boredom!! I want to go to school already because I want to keep myself busy. I missed the pressure. lol. I just want to keep my mind working to avoid non-sense things to interrupt my weak brains!
Anyways, as I was surfing the net, youtube to be exact. I found this video of T-Max.
T-Max is a jpop-inspired kpop group consists of 2 singers (Min Chul and Yun Hwa) and a rapper, Kim Joon! Kim Joon is my crush! I like his expression when he does the adlibs! Love him! Hope you will enjoy watching!
Anyways, classes will start next monday. I hope it will be a nice first day of class~! ^_^
This is my first post in this new blog. I don't really wanna put up a blog but then SOMEBODY insisted. So, what am I going to write here. Think, think and think.
Since I don't wanna talk talk about my past, I'm going to share about my upcoming life as a second year college student. I still can't believe that I am now a regular student. After all the struggles in Programming 1 (C++), and in Programming 2 (Java 1) during summer. Look at me now, getting ready for the next battle.
Now I want to share about the subjects that I'm going to take this semester.
First thing, English 3 (Speech and Oral Communication). Well, to tell you honestly, I am not really good in speaking English especially doing speeches and oral recitations, though I write poems and compose songs. I don't know why, I just find it not that easy to speak fluently, but I'm trying you know. Reading English books and watching English movies is really a good help.
Literature of the Philippines, and Society and Culture with Family Planning, are they useful in my future with the cyber world? It will only add up in my school burdens. But anyways, I won't be able to graduate if I won't take these subjects.
Here comes Physics 2!! I hope it will be just like before. No sweat! Answer the tables and questions in the manual, then you're done! But I bet it would be a little bit complicated in my case because I wasn't able to study well during Physics 1. Well.. i am a science-hater ever since! lol!
Next on the list, PE 3 (Games and Minor Sports), well I'm kind of excited because it sounds like fun! I just pray that out teacher won't be Mrs. Ramos anymore! lol.
Last, are my major subjects: IT Fundamentals 3, Programming 3 (Java Programming 3) and Data Structures. Do I need to elaborate what these subjects are all about to me?? Two words, sweet torture!
About our schedule, well, it is very hectic but we are still going to fix it when the classes starts.
I hope it will be a good year for me and for everybody.