Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Love Charm

Do you believe in love charms? The thing you wear and then it will let "love" get into you or something like that? Well, I have this bracelet, actually its my moms but she never wears it anymore so I took it. Regardless if it a charm bracelet, i wear it everyday. I think its kinda funny and immature but it bugs me out.

The first day I wore that bracelet, it was the first day of class too. It was a boring day when suddenly my friend texted me and said that he is with my crush at the mall. So I was like, "really? were going there too!" And there, I get to see my crush! It was like woah! Come to think of it, he already graduated, so I will only get to see him once in a blue moon! lolz!

The next day, I still wore the braclet and able to see my other crush at the engineering building. Duh!

On Friday, I was not able to wear it. I got lazy picking it up on the floor. There I didn't see any of my crush! Even a glimpse, and a text from any of them!

Then just today, I wore it. Well, well J texted me this morning! Wee!

For me, I don't really believe in those stuff. But I enjoy thinking about it. lolz. How about you? ^_^


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